Health & Wellbeing for Support in Home
Discussion and Links on how the recent changes to the HCP Providers Manual V1.3 are impacting recipients.
Participate in Research - Social technologies to support older adult connection and wellness
Queensland University of Technology
The research team is looking for senior citizens (65 and above), Australian or international to interview and help with the design of new technologies to support everyday connectedness.
Proposed changes to the Aged Care Act 1997, some of which are already being implemented per HCP Providers Manual V1.3, are causing hardship and distress which could be corrected by having the words "INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO" throughout each and every listed Inclusion and Exclusion as per the Aged Care Quality Standards mentioned in the guidelines manual. Once this is "enshrined" in every document meant to "guide" and provide direction on how to follow and apply the legislation (which is THE legal document that must be followed for providers to remain compliant), a more humanistic approach will be appropriately implemented to the satisfaction of all stakeholders, which includes having consumer's needs addressed.
"In reply to another post by the minister for sports and Aged care on her Facebook page, highlighting that by "using a powerful EDE virtual reality headset, that she was able to walk in the shoes of a person with dementia".
An honest heartfelt reply by an older person who is a recipient of in home aged care services was:
"They need to add some other virtual experiences for example sitting alone at home for days on end , living in a inadequately cleaned house, trying to get the washing done in a tiny washing machine when incontinence soils the bedding and creates a lot of washing, only getting a shower a couple of times a week, falling because your home needs modifications you can’t afford and you are denied equipment to make your life easier etc because the Home Care Package guidelines have been made so tight your provider says no to everything. Then you might start gaining some empathy and listen to and act on the expressed needs of care recipients and carers instead of brushing off our concerns that the funding is misdirected." LF