Here you can find information and updates on the aged care reforms. The Australian Government wants to hear from you about how the aged care system can be improved. Click on Get Involved to have your say and also register your interest to be notified when consultations open.

Have Your Say

Links for information and to have your say on the proposed Aged Care Act:

Upcoming consultation workshops The Department of Health and Aged Care
Consultation workshops are being held in capital cities and some regional centres across Australia to discuss the draft new Aged Care Act and hear your feedback. Online drop-in sessions will also be available.

Consumer Advisory Body
Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission.
We invite Australians to continue to have their say about the aged care reforms.

Current Surveys

Research: Help us improve online aged care services - Ongoing
Older people, carers and family members are invited to express interest to take part in ongoing research to inform the design of aged care digital systems and services. This includes things like the My Aged Care website and portal.


We do not have to accept what authorities are trying to brainwash us with, if we know it's to our disadvantage!
Our rights are enshrined in the charter of aged care rights and should be upheld in accordance with the Royal Commission into aged care recommendations.
Let's not get bamboozled by all the talk and comply.
We are important community members! Let's never ever forget that!
Argue, debate, question, think outside the square where we've been pigeon holed!
Write letters to the press editors, contact your politicians, TV programs, radio podcasts, attend all these useless self promoting webinar and ask pertinent questions, don't hold back, don't mince words, tell it as it is, too late for wishy washy diplomacy that's been thrown out long ago.
It's now or never! If we don't rise now we'll be stuck with an age care system and legal Act that will not be consumer centred as they claim, and not just us will cop it but so will generations to come, that's your kids and theirs.
Say NO back now, enough is enough.
