ACCPA National Conference 2023
Adelaide Convention Centre | 25-27 October 2023
2023 National Conference Theme
The pinnacle event for the Aged Care Industry, the conference theme ‘The Age of Change’ encapsulates advancements in technology, society and culture, as well as the possibilities and challenges of this era in aged care. We will explore the many complex changes taking place, from disruptive innovations reshaping our industry to the shifting global landscape demanding adaptive strategies.
Communication is essential to rebuild trust within aged care
Hello Care October 25, 2023
“I’m really passionate about education on both sides and that participants receive education about what the home care package means to them and how they can utilise it to make their lives better in a way that promotes my sense of dignity and respect,” Ms Forster said.

Funding Changes?
We need to address a badly designed, overly complicated user contribution system that in Home Care, for example, currently delivers just 2.5% of total funding.
We need to make sure funding changes are transparent and easy to understand – for older people and for providers.
Australia’s aged care sector should turn a profit by 2026
Aged Care Guide October 25th 2023
Taking care of care' screams for the need for the government to issue an accurate and approved definitionof -care' and to stop the pejorative attitude that emanates from it . D.V
That pretty much confirms it's a great deal about us paying so they can make a profit and most likely a done deal. "The Financial Year 2023 Aged Care Financial Performance Survey noted that structural funding reforms, including increased and appropriate care recipient co-contribution, were required after more than six years of aggregate operating losses in the aged care sector." S.T.
The cost of aged care is becoming unsustainable and i recognise that. What is so frustrating and wrong is they are focused on finding was to save money by reducing our support and finding way to make us pay for it. They are not looking at the huge waste of money and rip off in the current system. To a large extent that is where the savings are. P.S.
I could not have stated the situation in aged care or lack of it better than this post and can only cry into my beer as I try to understand this shambles.
As a life member of the ALP I have spent all my life as a community activist, they gave me an OAM to keep me quite, it did not work, little did I think that at 94 yo I would be in desperate need of someone to champion the needs of me and my fellow aged. I was naturally excited by the election of a new government as Morrison and Colbeck had put the RC report in the don’t care basket. I am so frustrated that the new minister is in such need of detail that she is spending her time having the same public “ servants and operator lobbyist “ review the multi million dollar costly RC before she can organise the stopping of abuse and suffering that thousands of my fellows are still enduring as they eke out the lives . It is a defining mark that the government considers the success of or sports teams more important than the welfare of over 180000 aged and frail the number of which is expected to increase to over 400000 with the boomers.
Maybe with these numbers the aged may generate some political voice but that will give no relief to those of is now needed care and dignity. F.W.